Introduce NFT module


In this thread, I want to propose a LIP for the roadmap objective Introduce token standards. The proposal’s contribution is to define a non-fungible token module to be used in the Lisk ecosystem.

I’m looking forward to your feedback.

Here is a complete LIP draft:

Title: Introduce NFT module
Author: Maxime Gagnebin <>
Type: Standards Track
Created: <YYYY-MM-DD>
Updated: <YYYY-MM-DD>
Requires: Introduce Interoperability module


This topic introduces an NFT (non-fungible token) module to be used in the Lisk ecosystem for creating, destroying NFTs, and transferring them in the ecosystem.

NFTs are uniquely identified assets.
They can be transferred similarly to fungible tokens, but their unique identifiers can never be modified.
In this module, NFTs also carry a list of attributes that are used to store information specific to the NFT.


This LIP is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal.


NFTs are very common in the blockchain space and have uses in a wide range of applications.
This can go from being the virtual representation of a real world object (art, fashion, event tickets …) to purely virtual collectibles (crypto kitties, …).

Therefore, providing a unified module to handle, transfer and modify NFTs is a necessity for the Lisk ecosystem.
The module presented here contains all the basic features that are needed to incorporate NFTs in a blockchain ecosystem without being restrictive on the way NFTs will be used by custom modules and applications.


Technical Glossary

  • Native chain: with regards to an NFT, this is the chain where the NFT was created.
  • Native NFT: with regards to a chain, all NFTs created on this chain.
  • Foreign chain: with regards to an NFT, all chains other than the native chain.

NFT Module Store

Figure 1: The NFT module store is divided into 5 substores. All NFTs held by users are stored sequentially in the user substore with keys given by the user address and the NFT ID.

NFT Store

The NFT store contains entries for all NFTs present on the chain, as well as entries for all native NFTs that have been sent cross-chain.
Each entry contains three properties, the owner, the locking module ID and the attributes of the NFT. The owner can either be a 20 bytes user address, or a 4 bytes serialization of a chain ID.
In the latter case, the token is a native token that has been sent cross-chain and is escrowed.

The locking module ID stores the information regarding the locking status of the NFT.
If the NFT is unlocked, this property will have value NFT_NOT_LOCKED, whereas if the NFT is locked, this property will store the ID of the locking module.

Lastly, the NFT stores an attribute property which can be used by custom applications to store information about the NFT, or modify interactions with the NFT.

User Substore

In the proposed solution, all NFTs associated with a given address are stored sequentially in the user substore part of the state.
In this way, getting all NFTs of a given account can be done efficiently.
This is in contrast to specifications (like ERC 721 without optional extensions) where the NFT owner is only stored as one of the NFTs properties.
We think that this feature is useful in an account based blockchain ecosystem and the user substore is designed accordingly.

NFT Identifier

To identify NFTs in the Lisk ecosystem, we introduce the NFT ID in this proposal.
An NFT ID will be unique in the ecosystem.
It is built from 3 integers: the chain ID of the chain creating the token, a collection integer chosen when the token is created and an index which is automatically assigned to the new NFT.

This allows chains to define multiple sets of NFTs, each identified by their respective collection.
Each collection can then easily have its own attribute schema and custom logic.
For example, an art NFT exchange could have a different collection per artist.
The index being then the unique integer associated with each art piece of this artist.

Cross-chain NFT Transfer

To allow cross-chain transfers of NFTs, we define a specific command which makes use of the Interoperability module and creates a cross-chain message with the relevant information.
When sending NFTs cross-chain, it is crucial that every chain can correctly escrow its native tokens sent to other chains.
In this way, a native NFT can never be created by a foreign chain and sent across the ecosystem.
When receiving non-native NFTs on a chain, users can query this NFT’s native chain to make sure that the NFT is properly escrowed.

Transfer To and From the Native Chain

These specifications only allow NFTs to be transferred to and from their native chain.
In particular, this means that a token created on chain A cannot be transferred directly from chain B to chain C.
This is required to allow the native chain to maintain correctly escrowed NFTs.


Each NFT is stored with an attribute property.
This property is a byte sequence that is not deserialized by the NFT module.
Each custom module using an NFT collection should define schemas to serialize and deserialize the attribute property of NFTs of their collection.

When an NFT is sent to another chain, the attributes property of the NFT can be modified according to specifications set on the receiving chain.
For this reason, custom modules specifying an NFT collection must also implement the behavior to adopt when an NFT is returned with a modified attributes property.
This custom behavior will compare the returned attributes with the ones stored with the escrowed NFT.
If the returned NFT has an empty attribute, the native chain will restore the attributes as stored,
this can be used to save on cross-chain messages size when returning non-modified NFTs to their native chains.

Protocol Logic for Other Modules

The NFT module provides the following functions to modify the NFT state.
Any other modules should use those functions to modify the NFT state.
The NFT state should never be modified from outside the module without using one of the provided functions as this could result in unexpected behavior and could cause an improper state transition.


This function is used to create a new NFT.
The NFT will always be native to the chain creating it.
The index of the created NFT will be the next available index, as specified by the max index corresponding to the collection.


This function is used to destroy NFTs.
The NFT will be removed from the NFT store and cannot be retrieved.
The use of this function is limited to destroying native NFTs.


This function is used to transfer ownership of NFTs within one chain.


This function is used to transfer ownership of NFTs across chains in the Lisk ecosystem.


This function is used to lock an NFT to a module ID.
A locked NFT cannot be transferred (within the chain or across chains).
This can be useful, for example, when the NFT is used as a deposit for a service.
A module ID is specified when locking the NFT and this ID has to be specified when unlocking the NFT.
This avoids NFTs being accidentally locked and unlocked by different modules.


This function is used to unlock an NFT that was locked to a module ID.


This function is used to modify the attributes of NFTs.
Each custom module can define the rules surrounding modifying NFT attributes and should call this function.
This function will be executed even if the NFT is locked.


This function should only be called by the Interoperability module to trigger the recovery of NFTs escrowed to terminated chains.


Constants and Notations

The following constants are used throughout the document

Name Type Value
Interoperability Constants
MIN_RETURN_FEE uint64 1000
NFT Module Constants
CCM_STATUS_OK uint32 0
Store Constants
STORE_PREFIX_NFT bytes 0x00 00
STORE_PREFIX_USER bytes 0x80 00
General Constants
EMPTY_BYTES bytes “”


uint32be(x) returns the big endian uint32 serialization of an integer x, with 0 <= x <2^32.
This serialization is always 4 bytes long.


uint64be(x) returns the big endian uint64 serialization of an integer x, with 0 <= x < 2^64.
This serialization is always 8 bytes long.


In this LIP, length(byteSequence) returns the length in bytes of byteSequence.

Functions from Other Modules

Calling a function fct from the Interoperability module is represented by interoperability.fct(required inputs).

NFT Module Store

The store keys and schemas for value serialization of the NFT store are set as follows:

NFT Substore

  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_NFT.
  • Each store key is an NFT ID: uint32be(chainID)||uint32be(collection)||uint64be(index).
  • Each store value is the serialization of an object following NFTStoreSchema.
    NFTStoreSchema = {
        "type": "object",
        "required": [
        "properties": {
            "owner": { 
                "dataType": "bytes", 
                "fieldNumber": 1 
            "lockingModuleID": { 
                "dataType": "uint32", 
                "fieldNumber": 2 
            "attributes": {             
                "dataType": "bytes", 
                "fieldNumber": 3 

User Substore

  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_USER.
  • Each store key is a 20-byte address and an NFT ID: address||uint32be(chainID)||uint32be(collection)||uint64be(index).
  • Each store value is the serialization of an object following userStoreSchema.
    userStoreSchema = {
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["exists"],
        "properties": {
            "exists": { 
                "dataType": "boolean", 
                "fieldNumber": 1

Collection Substore

  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_COLLECTION.
  • Each store key is a collection: uint32be(collection).
  • Each store value is the serialization of an object following collectionStoreSchema.
    collectionStoreSchema = {
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["nextAvailableIndex"],
        "properties": {
            "nextAvailableIndex": { 
                "dataType": "uint64", 
                "fieldNumber": 1

Available Collection Substore

  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_AVAILABLE_COLLECTION.
  • Each store key is the empty bytes.
  • Each store value is the serialization of an object following availableCollectionStoreSchema.
    availableCollectionStoreSchema = {
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["nextAvailableCollection"],
        "properties": {
            "nextAvailableCollection": { 
                "dataType": "uint32", 
                "fieldNumber": 1

Terminated Escrow Substore

  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_TERMINATED_ESCROW.
  • Each store key is a chain ID: uint32be(chainID).
  • Each store value is the serialization of an object following terminatedEscrowStoreSchema.
    terminatedEscrowStoreSchema = {
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["escrowTerminated"],
        "properties": {
            "escrowTerminated": { 
                "dataType": "boolean", 
                "fieldNumber": 1

Store Notation

For the rest of this proposal:

  • Let NFTStore(nftID) be the NFT store entry with store prefix STORE_PREFIX_NFT and store key
  • Let userStore(address, nftID) be the user substore entry with store key address||uint32be(nftID.chainID)||uint32be(nftID.collection)||uint64be(nftID.index).
  • Let collectionStore(collection) be the collection substore entry with store key uint32be(collection).
  • Let terminatedStore(chainID) be the escrowTerminated property of the terminated escrow substore entry with store key uint32be(chainID).
    If the store entry does not exist, the function returns False.
  • Let nextAvailableCollection be the nextAvailableCollection property of the entry of the available collection substore.

NFT Identification

All NFTs in the ecosystem are identified by the three values chainID, collection and index.

  • chainID is always the chain ID of the chain that created the NFT
  • collection is an integer specified at NFT creation,
  • index is assigned at NFT creation to the next available index in the collection.

In this LIP, the NFT identifier is written as a dictionary of 3 elements {"chainID": chainID, "collection": collection, "index": index}.
This is for example used in all input formats for the module’s exposed logics.
This allows the exposed logic interfaces to be simple and uniform.
This choice follows a potential way how the module could be implemented in JavaScript, the same behavior could be implemented with a named tuple in Python.

NFT ID and Native NFT

NFTs on their native chain are identified by the three values {"chainID": CHAIN_ID_ALIAS_NATIVE, "collection": collection, "index": index}.
The same NFT in other chains would be identified by the three values {"chainID": nativeChainID, "collection": collection, "index": index},
nativeChainID being the chain ID of the chain where the NFT was created.

Supported NFTs

The NFT module contains a function used when receiving cross-chain NFT transfers to assert the support for non-native NFTs.
It should return a boolean, depending on the configuration of the NFT module.
For the rest of this LIP, this function is written NFTSupported(nftID).

Internal Functions


createNFTEntry(nftID, address, moduleID, givenAttributes):
    create a store entry with
        storePrefix = STORE_PREFIX_NFT
        storeKey =  uint32be(nftID.chainID) 
                      || uint32be(nftID.collection) 
                      || uint64be(nftID.index)

        storeValue = { 
            "owner": address, 
            "lockingModuleID": moduleID, 
            "attributes": givenAttributes
        } serialized using NFTStoreSchema


    delete the store entry with
        storePrefix = STORE_PREFIX_NFT
        storeKey = uint32be(nftID.chainID) 
                     || uint32be(nftID.collection) 
                     || uint64be(nftID.index)


createUserEntry(address, nftID):
    create an store entry with
        storePrefix = STORE_PREFIX_USER
        storeKey = address 
                     || uint32be(nftID.chainID) 
                     || uint32be(nftID.collection) 
                     || uint64be(nftID.index)
        storeValue = {"exists": True} serialized using userStoreSchema


deleteUserEntry(address, nftID):
    delete the store entry with
        storePrefix = STORE_PREFIX_USER
        storeKey = address 
                     || uint32be(nftID.chainID) 
                     || uint32be(nftID.collection) 
                     || uint64be(nftID.index)


    create the store entry with
        storeKey    = uint32be(chainID)
        storeValue  = {"escrowTerminated": True} serialized according to terminatedEscrowStoreSchema


    if nftID.chainID == interoperability.getOwnChainAccount().ID
        return {"chainID": CHAIN_ID_ALIAS_NATIVE, "collection": nftID.collection, "index": nftID.index}
        return nftID

This function will return the input nftID in the case interoperabiliby.getOwnChainAccount() cannot be called.

NFT Attributes

For all NFT collections, native chains must implement the function
getNewAttributes(collection, storedAttributes, receivedAttributes) which is used whenever an NFT from this collection is received from another chain.
The function getNewAttributes must always return a byte array of length at most MAX_BYTE_LENGTH_ATTRIBUTES bytes.

For all values of collection and storedAttributes,
this function must be defined as getNewAttributes(collection, storedAttributes, EMPTY_BYTES) = storedAttributes.

This function’s default behavior is to always overwriting the received attributes with the ones in the NFT substore:

defaultGetNewAttributes(collection, storedAttributes, receivedAttributes):
    return storedAttributes

NFTs in Genesis Blocks

The genesis block of a chain can have a non-empty NFT store. The distribution of NFTs at genesis is left to sidechain developers and must only follow few restrictions:

  • No escrow entries (entries with store prefix ESCROW_STORE_PREFIX) should exist in the genesis block.
  • Only NFTs with chainID == CHAIN_ID_ALIAS_NATIVE exist in the genesis block. They must all have a 20 byte owner and the corresponding entry in the user substore must exist (entry with store key being owner||uint32be(chainID)||uint23be(collection)||uint64be(index)).
  • For all collections, the maximal index of all NFTs of this collection, over all existing NFT entries, must be strictly smaller than collectionStore(collection).nextAvailableIndex.
  • nextAvailableCollection > collection for all collection such that collectionStore(collection) exists.


The module provides the following commands to modify the NFT store.

NFT Transfer

Transactions executing this command have:

  • moduleID = NFT_MODULE_ID
Parameters Schema

The params property of an NFT transfer transaction follows the schema NFTTransferParams.

NFTTransferParams = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "nftID": {
            "type": object,
            "fieldNumber": 1,
            "required": [
            "properties": {
                "chainID": {
                    "dataType": "uint32",
                    "fieldNumber": 1
                "collection": {
                    "dataType": "uint32",
                    "fieldNumber": 2
                "index": {
                    "dataType": "uint64",
                    "fieldNumber": 3
        "recipientAddress": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 2
Parameters Validity

The params property of an NFT transfer transaction is valid if:

  • recipientAddress must be a byte array of length ADDRESS_LENGTH.

When executing this command, the following is done:

derive senderAddress from trs.senderPublicKey
let nftID as given in trs.params

if NFTStore(nftID).lockingModuleID != NFT_NOT_LOCKED:   
    execution fails  
if NFTStore(nftID).owner != senderAddress:   
    execution fails

deleteUserEntry(senderAddress, nftID)
createUserEntry(recipientAddress, nftID)
NFTStore(nftID).owner = recipientAddress

Cross-chain NFT Transfer

Transactions executing this command have:

  • moduleID = NFT_MODULE_ID
Parameters Schema

The params property of a cross-chain NFT transfer transaction follows the schema crossChainTransferParams.

crossChainTransferParams = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "nftID": {
            "type": object,
            "fieldNumber": 1,
            "required": [
            "properties": {
                "chainID": {
                    "dataType": "uint32",
                    "fieldNumber": 1
                "collection": {
                    "dataType": "uint32",
                    "fieldNumber": 2
                "index": {
                    "dataType": "uint64",
                    "fieldNumber": 3
        "receivingChainID": {
            "dataType": "uint32",
            "fieldNumber": 2 
        "recipientAddress": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 3 
        "messageFee": {
            "dataType": "uint64",
            "fieldNumber": 4 
Parameters Validity

The params property of a cross-chain NFT transfer transaction is valid if:

  • recipientAddress is a byte array of length ADDRESS_LENGTH,
  • tokenID.chainID is either CHAIN_ID_ALIAS_NATIVE or receivingChainID,

When executing a cross-chain NFT transfer transaction trs, the following is done:

  • Derive senderAddress from trs.senderPublicKey.
  • Execute the same logic as the function
    timestamp = timestamp of the block including the execution of this command

Executing Cross-chain Messages

Cross-chain NFT Transfer Message

Cross-chain messages executing this cross-chain command have:

  • moduleID = NFT_MODULE_ID,
Message Parameters Schema

The params property of cross-chain NFT transfers follows the crossChainTransferMessageParams schema.

crossChainTransferMessageParams = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "nftID": {
            "type": object,
            "fieldNumber": 1,
            "required": [
            "properties": {
                "chainID": {
                    "dataType": "uint32",
                    "fieldNumber": 1
                "collection": {
                    "dataType": "uint32",
                    "fieldNumber": 2
                "index": {
                    "dataType": "uint64",
                    "fieldNumber": 3
        "senderAddress": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 2 
        "recipientAddress": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 3 
        "attributes": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 4 

When executing a cross-chain NFT transfer message CCM, the logic below is followed.

nftID = CCM.params.nftID
chainID = nftID.chainID
sendingChainID = CCM.sendingChainID
senderAddress = CCM.params.senderAddress
recipientAddress = CCM.params.recipientAddress
receivedAttributes = CCM.params.attributes
ownChainID = interoperability.getOwnChainAccount().ID

if (chainID not in [ownChainID, sendingChainID]
    or length(senderAddress) != ADDRESS_LENGTH
    or length(recipientAddress) !=  ADDRESS_LENGTH
    or length(receivedAttributes) > MAX_BYTE_LENGTH_ATTRIBUTES
    or (chainID == ownChainID 
        and NFTStore(nftID).owner != uint32(sendingChainID))
    or (chainID == sendingChainID 
        and NFTStore(nftID) exists)):  
    if  (CCM.fee >= MIN_RETURN_FEE * length(CCM)
        and CCM.status == CCM_STATUS_OK):
        interoperability.error(CCM, CCM_STATUS_NFT_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION)
    stop CCM execution
if chainID == ownChainID:
    oldAttributes = NFTStore(nftID).attributes
    if CCM.status == CCM_STATUS_OK:
        newAttributes = getNewAttributes(nftID.collection,
        newRecipientAddress = recipientAddress 
        newAttributes = oldAttributes
        newRecipientAddress = senderAddress

    nftID = canonicalNFTID(nftID)
    NFTStore(nftID).owner = newRecipienAddress
    NFTStore(nftID).attributes = newAttributes
    createUserEntry(newRecipientAddress, nftID)

else: # chainID == sendingChainID
    if NFTSupported(nftID) == FALSE:
        if (CCM.fee >= MIN_RETURN_FEE * length(CCM)
            and CCM.status == CCM_STATUS_OK):
            interoperability.error(CCM, CCM_STATUS_NFT_NOT_SUPPORTED)
        stop CCM execution
    if CCM.status == CCM_STATUS_OK:
        createUserEntry(recipientAddress, nftID)
        createUserEntry(senderAddress, nftID) 

Protocol Logic for Other Modules


This function returns the attributes of an NFT.

getAttributes(address, nftID):
    nftID = canonicalNFTID(nftID)
    if NFTStore(nftID) exists:
        return NFTStore(nftID).attributes
        return entry does not exist


This function returns the locking status of an NFT.

    nftID = canonicalNFTID(nftID)
    if NFTStore(nftID) exists:
        return NFTStore(nftID).lockingModuleID
        return entry does not exist


This function returns the owner of an NFT.

    nftID = canonicalNFTID(nftID)
    if NFTStore(nftID) exists:
        return NFTStore(nftID).owner
        return entry does not exist


This function returns the escrow status of a chain.

    if terminatedStore(chainID) == True:
        return True
        return False


This function returns the max index of a collection.

    if collectionStore(collection) does not exist:
        return collection does not exist
    return collectionStore(collection).nextAvailableIndex 


This function returns the next available collection.

    return nextAvailableCollection


This function creates an NFT.

create(address, collection, attributes):
    if (length(attributes) > MAX_BYTE_LENGTH_ATTRIBUTES bytes
        or collectionStore(collection) does not exist):
        create fails
    index = collectionStore(collection).nextAvailableIndex
    nftID = {"chainID": CHAIN_ID_ALIAS_NATIVE, 
             "collection": collection, 
             "index": index}
    createNFTEntry(nftID, address, attributes)   
    createUserEntry(address, nftID)
    collectionStore(collection).nextAvailableIndex += 1


This function destroys an NFT.

    nftID = canonicalNFTID(nftID)
    if (nftID.chainID != CHAIN_ID_ALIAS_NATIVE
        or NFTStore(nftID) does not exist):
        destroy fails
    address = NFTStore(nftID).owner
    deleteUserEntry(address, nftID) 


This function creates a new collection substore entry.

    if collectionStore(collection) exists:
        initializeCollection fails

    create an entry in the collection substore with
        storeKey = uint32be(collection)
        storeValue = {"nextAvailableIndex": 0) serialized using collectionStoreSchema 

    if collection >= nextAvailableCollection:
        nextAvailableCollection = collection + 1
    return collection


This function transfers ownership of NFTs within one chain.

transfer(senderAddress, recipientAddress, nftID):
    nftID = canonicalNFTID(nftID)
    if (NFTStore(nftID).lockingModuleID != NFT_NOT_LOCKED
        or NFTStore(nftID).owner != senderAddress):   
        transfer fails

    deleteUserEntry(senderAddress, nftID)
    createUserEntry(recipientAddress, nftID)
    NFTStore(nftID).owner = recipientAddress


This function transfers ownership of NFTs across chains in the Lisk ecosystem.

    nftID = canonicalNFTID(nftID)
    chainID = nftID.chainID
    if (chainID not in [CHAIN_ID_ALIAS_NATIVE, receivingChainID]
        or length(senderAddress) != ADDRESS_LENGTH
        or length(recipientAddress) !=  ADDRESS_LENGTH
        or NFTStore(nftID).owner != senderAddress
        or NFTStore(nftID).lockingModuleID != NFT_NOT_LOCKED
        or (terminatedStore(sendingChainID) == True 
            and chainID == CHAIN_ID_ALIAS_NATIVE)):
        transferCrossChain fails
    if includeAttributes == True:
        attributes = NFTStore(nftID).attributes
        attributes = EMPTY_BYTES

    deleteUserEntry(address, nftID)
    if chainID == CHAIN_ID_ALIAS_NATIVE:  
        NFTStore(nftID).owner = uint32be(receivingChainID)
        nftID.chainID = interoperability.getOwnChainAccount().ID
    messageParams = {
        "nftID": nftID,
        "senderAddress": senderAddress,
        "recipientAddress": recipientAddress
        "attributes": attributes,
    serializedParams = serialization of messageParams following 
                      crossChainTransferMessageParams schema



This function locks an NFT to a given module ID.

lock(moduleID, nftID):
    nftID = canonicalNFTID(nftID)
    if NFTStore(nftID).lockingModuleID != NFT_NOT_LOCKED: 
        lock fails 
    NFTStore(nftID).lockingModuleID = moduleID


This function unlocks an NFT that was locked to a module ID.

unlock(moduleID, nftID):
    nftID = canonicalNFTID(nftID)
    if NFTStore(nftID).lockingModuleID != moduleID:
        unlock fails
    NFTStore(nftID).lockingModuleID = NFT_NOT_LOCKED


This function modifies the attributes of NFTs.

setAttributes(newAttributes, nftID):
    nftID = canonicalNFTID(nftID)
    if (NFTStore(nftID) does not exist
        or length(newAttributes) > MAX_BYTE_LENGTH_ATTRIBUTES):
        setAttributes fails
    NFTStore(nftID).attributes = newAttributes


This function should only be called by the interoperability module.
It recovers NFTs escrowed to terminated chains.

recover(terminatedChainID, moduleID, storePrefix, storeKey, storeValue):
    if (storePrefix != STORE_PREFIX_NFT:
        or length(storeKey) != STORE_KEY_LENGTH_NFT):
        recover fails
    chainID = first 4 bytes of storeKey deserialized as uint32be
    collection = bytes 5 to 8 of storeKey deserialized as uint32be
    index = last 8 bytes of storeKey deserialized as uint64be
    nftID = {"chainID": chainID, "collection": collection, "index": index}

    if (chainID != interoperability.getOwnChainAccount().ID
        or NFTStore(nftID).owner != uint32be(terminatedChainID)
        or storeValue does not follow nftStoreSchema):
        recover fails
    nftValue = storeValue deserialized according to nftStoreSchema
    if length(nftValue.owner) != ADDRESS_LENGTH:
        recover fails  
    NFTStore(nftID).owner = nftValue.owner
    storedAttributes = NFTStore(nftID).attributes
    newAttributes = nftValue.attributes
    NFTStore(nftID).attributes =  getNewAttributes(collection, storedAttributes, newAttributes)

Endpoints for Off-Chain Services


Backwards Compatibility

Chains adding support for the NFT module specified in this document need to do so with a hard fork. This proposal does not imply a fork for the Lisk mainchain.

Reference Implementation


1 Like

I updated the proposal to

  • reflect a general change of terminology,
  • include a new data structure used to store the next available collection. This is useful if other modules want to initialize a new collection.
  • update the exposed functions to better reflect the needs of other modules.

I just created the pull request for this proposal on GitHub:

The PR for this LIP has been merged and the LIP is now drafted: