Define state and state transitions of DPoS module


In this thread, I want to propose a LIP for the roadmap objective “Define state model and state root”. This LIP specifies the DPoS module within the new chain architecture model.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Here is a complete LIP draft:

LIP: <LIP number>
Title: Define state and state transitions of DPoS module
Author: Maxime Gagnebin <>
        Nazar Hussain <>
        Mehmet Egemen Albayrak <>
Type: Standards Track
Created: <YYYY-MM-DD>
Updated: <YYYY-MM-DD>
Required: 0022, 0023, 0024, 0040, 0044, 
          Define state and state transitions of Random module, 
          Introduce BFT module,
          Introduce unlocking condition for incentivizing certificate generation


The DPoS (delegated proof-of-stake) module is responsible for handling delegate registration, votes, and computing the delegate weight.
In this LIP, we specify the properties of the DPoS module, along with their serialization and initial values.
Furthermore, we specify the state transitions logic defined within this module,
i.e. the commands, the protocol logic injected during the block lifecycle, and the functions that can be called from other modules or off-chain services.


This LIP is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal.


The DPoS module handles all aspects of the generator selection, this includes the registration of accounts as delegates, the voting process, and potential misbehavior reports.

In this LIP we specify the properties, serialization, initialization, and exposed functions of the DPoS module,
as well as the protocol logic processed during a block life cycle and the module commands.


This new LIP does not introduce significant protocol changes to the generator selection mechanism proposed in LIP 0022 and LIP 0023.
It only defines how the commands and processes defined in those LIPs are integrated in the state model used in Lisk.
Please see LIP 0022 and LIP 0023 for a thorough rationale regarding the choice of voting system and the inclusion of standby delegates.

LIP 0022 defines a selection mechanism for 2 standby delegates.
In this LIP, we slightly extend the specifications to support 0 or 1 standby delegate, however, we do not specify how to extend the protocol to more than 2 delegates.
Introducing more standby delegates might require a different source of randomness and it is not the aim of this LIP to describe this topic.

DPoS Store

Voter Substore

This part of the state store is used to maintain the votes and recent unvotes of users.
The entries are keyed by address and contain an array of the current votes as well as an array of objects representing the tokens waiting to be unlocked.

Delegate Substore

This part of the state store is used to maintain all information regarding the registered delegates.
It is keyed by address and contains values for the delegate name, last generated height, total votes received,
proof-of-misbehaviour heights, and a flag asserting if the delegate is banned or not.

Name Substore

This part of the state store is used to maintain a list of all names already registered.
It allows the protocol to efficiently process the delegate registration transaction.
The entries are keyed by delegate name and the value contains the address of the corresponding delegate.

Snapshot Substore

This part of the state store is used to maintain the needed snapshots of validator weights.
The entries are keyed by round number and contain the active delegates, the delegate weight of potential standby delegates.
Entries for older rounds which are no longer necessary are removed.

Genesis Data Substore

This part of the state store is used to maintain information from the genesis block.
This information is used to compute if a block is at the end of a round,
and to generate the generator list during the bootstrap period.

Previous Timestamp Substore

This part of the state store is used to maintain the timestamp of the last block added to the chain.
This is used when calling the function computing missed blocks from the Validators module.


Notation and Constants

For the rest of this proposal we define the following constants:

Name Type Value Description
DPoS store constants
STORE_PREFIX_VOTER bytes 0x0000 The store prefix of the voter substore.
STORE_PREFIX_DELEGATE bytes 0x4000 The store prefix of the delegate substore.
STORE_PREFIX_NAME bytes 0x8000 The store prefix of the name substore.
STORE_PREFIX_SNAPSHOT bytes 0xd000 The store prefix of the snapshot substore.
STORE_PREFIX_GENESIS_DATA bytes 0xc000 The store prefix of the genesis data substore.
STORE_PREFIX_PREVIOUS_TIMESTAMP bytes 0xe000 The store prefix of the previous timestamp substore.
DPoS constants
MODULE_ID_DPOS uint32 TBD The module ID of the DPoS module.
COMMAND_ID_DELEGATE_REGISTRATION uint32 0 The command ID of the delegate registration transaction.
COMMAND_ID_VOTE uint32 1 The command ID of the vote transaction.
COMMAND_ID_UNLOCK uint32 2 The command ID of the unlock transaction.
COMMAND_ID_POM uint32 3 The command ID of the proof-of-misbehavior transaction.
COMMAND_ID_UPDATE_GENERATOR_KEY uint32 4 The command ID of the update generator key transaction.
Configurable Constants Mainchain Value
FACTOR_SELF_VOTES uint32 10 The factor multiplying the self-votes of a delegate for the delegate weight computation.
MAX_LENGTH_NAME uint32 20 The maximum allowed name length for delegates.
MAX_NUMBER_SENT_VOTES uint32 10 The maximum size of the sentVotes array of a voter substore entry.
MAX_NUMBER_PENDING_UNLOCKS uint32 20 The maximum size of the pendingUnlocks array of a voter substore entry.
FAIL_SAFE_MISSED_BLOCKS uint32 50 The number of consecutive missed blocks used in the fail safe banning mechanism.
FAIL_SAFE_INACTIVE_WINDOW uint32 260,000 The length of the inactivity window used in the fail safe banning mechanism.
PUNISHMENT_WINDOW uint32 780,000 The punishment time for punished delegates.
ROUND_LENGTH uint32 103 The round length.
BFT_THRESHOLD uint32 68 The precommit and certificate thresholds used by the BFT module.
MIN_WEIGHT_STANDBY uint32 1000*(10^8) The minimum delegate weight required to be eligible as a standby delegate.
NUMBER_ACTIVE_DELEGATES uint32 101 The number of active delegates.
NUMBER_STANDBY_DELEGATES uint32 2 The number of standby delegates. This LIP is specified for the number of standby delegates being 0, 1 or 2.
"chainID": 0,
"localID": 0
The token ID of the token used to cast votes.
DELEGATE_REGISTRATION_FEE uint32 10*(10^8) The extra command fee of the delegate registration.


uint32be(x) returns the big endian uint32 serialization of an integer x, with 0 <= x < 2^32. This serialization is always 4 bytes long.

Functions from Other Modules

Calling a function fct from another module (named moduleName) is represented by moduleName.fct(required inputs).

DPoS Module Store

The store keys and values of the DPoS store are set as follows:

Voter Substore

Store Prefix, Store Key, and Store Value
  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_VOTER.
  • Each store key is a 20-byte address, representing a user address.
  • Each store value is the serialization of an object following voterStoreSchema.
  • Notation: For the rest of this proposal let voterStore(address) be the entry in the voter substore with store key address.
JSON Schema
voterStoreSchema = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": ["sentVotes", "pendingUnlocks"],
    "properties": {
        "sentVotes": {
            "type": "array",
            "fieldNumber": 1,
            "items": {
                "type": "object",
                "required": ["delegateAddress", "amount"],
                "properties": {
                    "delegateAddress": {
                        "dataType": "bytes",
                        "fieldNumber": 1
                    "amount": {
                        "dataType": "uint64",
                        "fieldNumber": 2
        "pendingUnlocks": {
            "type": "array",
            "fieldNumber": 2,
            "items": {
                "type": "object",
                "required": ["delegateAddress", "amount", "unvoteHeight"],
                "properties": {
                    "delegateAddress": {
                        "dataType": "bytes",
                        "fieldNumber": 1
                    "amount": {
                        "dataType": "uint64",
                        "fieldNumber": 2
                    "unvoteHeight": {
                        "dataType": "uint32",
                        "fieldNumber": 3
Properties and Default values

In this section, we describe the properties of the voter substore and specify their default values.

  • sentVotes: stores an array of the current votes of a user.
    Each vote is represented by the address of the voted delegate and the amount of tokens that have been used to vote for the delegate.
    This array was called votes in LIP 0023.
    This array is updated with a vote command.
    The sentVotes array is always kept ordered in lexicographical order of delegateAddress.
    Its size is at most MAX_NUMBER_SENT_VOTES, any state transition that would increase it to above MAX_NUMBER_SENT_VOTES is invalid.
  • pendingUnlocks: stores an array representing the tokens that have been unvoted, but not yet unlocked.
    Each unvote generates an object in this array containing the address of the unvoted delegate, the amount of the unvote and the height at which the unvote was included in the chain.
    Objects in this array get removed when the corresponding unlock command is executed.
    This array was called unlocking in LIP 0023.
    This array is updated with vote and unlock commands.
    The pendingUnlocks array is always kept ordered by lexicographical order of delegateAddress, ties broken by increasing amount, ties broken by increasing unvoteHeight.
    The size of the pendingUnlocks array is at most MAX_NUMBER_PENDING_UNLOCKS, any state transition that would increase it to above MAX_NUMBER_PENDING_UNLOCKS is invalid.

Delegate Substore

Store Prefix, Store Key, and Store Value
  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_DELEGATE.
  • Each store key is a 20-byte address, representing a delegate address.
  • Each store value is the serialization of an object following delegateStoreSchema.
  • Notation: For the rest of this proposal let delegateStore(address) be the entry in the delegate substore with store key address.
JSON Schema
delegateStoreSchema = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "dataType": "string", 
            "fieldNumber": 1
        "totalVotesReceived": {
            "dataType": "uint64", 
            "fieldNumber": 2
        "selfVotes": {
            "dataType": "uint64", 
            "fieldNumber": 3
        "lastGeneratedHeight": {
            "dataType": "uint32", 
            "fieldNumber": 4
        "isBanned": {
            "dataType": "boolean",
            "fieldNumber": 5
        "pomHeights": { 
            "type": "array",
            "fieldNumber": 6,
            "items": {"dataType": "uint32"}
        "consecutiveMissedBlocks": {
            "dataType": "uint32", 
            "fieldNumber": 7
Properties and Default values

In this section, we describe the properties of the delegate substore and specify their default values.
Entries in this substore can be created during the execution of the genesis block.
When the chain is running, entries in this substore are created by a delegate registration command and its value is set during the command execution.
It contains information about the delegate whose address is the store key.

  • name: a string representing the delegate name, with a minimum length of 1 character and a maximum length of MAX_LENGTH_NAME
  • totalVotesReceived: the sum of all votes received by a delegate.
  • selfVotes : the sum of all votes the delegate cast for its own account.
  • lastGeneratedHeight: the height at which the delegate last generated a block.
  • isBanned: a boolean value indicating if the delegate is banned or not. Banned delegates are never chosen to generate new blocks.
  • pomHeights: the heights at which a proof of misbehavior command was successfully executed with blocks generated by the delegate.
  • consecutiveMissedBlocks: the number of consecutive missed blocks by the delegate.
    This value resets to 0 whenever a block generated by the delegate is included in the blockchain.

Name Substore

Store Prefix, Store Key, and Store Value
  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_NAME.
  • Each store key is a utf8-encoded string name, representing a delegate name.
  • Each store value is the serialization of an object following nameStoreSchema.
  • Notation: For the rest of this proposal let nameStore(name) be the entry in the name substore with store key name.
JSON Schema
nameStoreSchema = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": ["delegateAddress"],
    "properties": {
        "delegateAddress": {
            "dataType": "bytes", 
            "fieldNumber": 1
Properties and Default values

The name substore maintains all registered names, using the name as store key and the address of the validator that registered that name as the corresponding store value.
The name substore is initially empty, i.e. it does not contain any key-value pairs.

Snapshot Substore

Store Prefix, Store Key, and Store Value
  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_SNAPSHOT.
  • Each store key is uint32be(roundNumber), where roundNumber is the number of the round at the end of
    which the active delegates and weights are computed.
    These values will be used to compute the validator set for round roundNumber + 2.
  • Each store value is the serialization of an object following snapshotStoreSchema.
  • Notation: For the rest of this proposal let snapshotStore(roundNumber) be the entry in the snapshot substore with store key uint32be(roundNumber).
JSON Schema
snapshotStoreSchema = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": ["activeDelegates", "delegateWeightSnapshot"],
    "properties": {
        "activeDelegates": {
            "type": "array",
            "fieldNumber": 1,
            "items": {"dataType": "bytes"}
        "delegateWeightSnapshot": {
            "type": "array",
            "fieldNumber": 2,
            "items": {
                "type": "object",
                "required": ["delegateAddress", "delegateWeight"],
                "properties": {
                    "delegateAddress": {
                        "dataType": "bytes", 
                        "fieldNumber": 1
                    "delegateWeight": {
                        "dataType": "uint64",
                        "fieldNumber": 2

The delegateWeightSnapshot array is ordered lexicographically by address.

Properties and Default values

In this section, we describe the properties of the snapshot substore and specify their default values.

  • activeDelegates: the addresses of the top NUMBER_ACTIVE_DELEGATES delegates by delegate weight at the end of round roundNumber.
  • delegateWeightSnapshot: all delegate addresses and weights of delegates (not in the active delegates array) with more than MIN_WEIGHT_STANDBY delegate weight.
    This array is completed with delegates with less weight in the case there are not enough delegates with weight above MIN_WEIGHT_STANDBY.

The snapshot substore is initially empty.

Genesis Data Substore

Store Prefix, Store Key, and Store Value
  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_GENESIS_DATA.
  • The store key is the empty bytes.
  • The store value is the serialization of an object following genesisDataStoreSchema.
  • Notation: For the rest of this proposal let
    • genesisHeight be the height property of the entry in the genesis data substore.
    • initRounds be the initRounds property of the entry in the genesis data substore.
    • initDelegates be the initDelegates property of the entry in the genesis data substore.
JSON Schema
genesisDataStoreSchema = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "height": {
            "dataType": "uint64",
            "fieldNumber": 1
        "initRounds": {
            "dataType": "uint32",
            "fieldNumber": 2
        "initDelegates": {
            "type": "array",
            "fieldNumber": 3,
            "items": {"dataType": "bytes"}
Properties and Default values

The genesis data substore stores information from the genesis block. It is initialized when processing the genesis block.

  • height: height of the genesis block.
  • initRounds: the length of the bootstrap period, also called initial rounds.
    This property must have a value greater than 3.
  • initDelegates: the addresses of the validators to be used during the bootstrap period. This property must have a non-empty value.

Previous Timestamp Substore

Store Prefix, Store Key, and Store Value
  • The store prefix is set to STORE_PREFIX_PREVIOUS_TIMESTAMP.
  • The store key is the empty bytes.
  • The store value is the serialization of an object following previousTimestampStoreSchema
  • Notation: For the rest of this proposal, let previousTimestamp be the timestamp property of the entry in the previous timestamp substore.
JSON Schema
previousTimestampStoreSchema = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": ["timestamp"],
    "properties": {
        "timestamp": {
            "dataType": "uint32",
            "fieldNumber": 1
Properties and Default values

timestamp: The timestamp of the last block added to the chain.


Delegate Registration

Transaction executing this command have:

  • moduleID = MODULE_ID_DPOS,

This command has an extra command fee:

delegateRegistrationTransactionParams = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "dataType": "string",
            "fieldNumber": 1
        "blsKey": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 2
        "proofOfPossession": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 3
        "generatorKey": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 4

The params property of a delegate registration command is valid if:

  • there exists no entry in the name substore with store key name.
  • name contains only characters from the set abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@$&_.
    (lower case letters, numbers and symbols !@$&_.), is at least 1 character long and at most MAX_LENGTH_NAME characters long.
  • There exists no entry in the delegate substore with store key delegateAddress,
    delegateAddress being derived from the transaction sender public key.
  • generatorKey must have length 32.
  • blsKey must have length 48.
  • proofOfPossession must have length 96.

When a transaction trs executing a delegate registration command included in a block b, the logic below is followed:

derive delegateAddress from trs.senderPublicKey


if the above function returns False, the execution fails

create an entry in the delegate substore with 
    storeKey = delegateAddress,
    storeValue = {
        "totalVotesReceived": 0,
        "lastGeneratedHeight": b.height,
        "isBanned": False,
        "pomHeights": [],
        "consecutiveMissedBlocks": 0
    } serialized using delegateStoreSchema

create an entry in the name substore with 
    storeKey = encoded as utf8,
    storeValue = {"delegateAddress": delegateAddress} serialized using nameStoreSchema

Update Generator Key

This command is used to update the generator key (from the validators module) for a specific validator.
Transaction executing this command have:

  • moduleID = MODULE_ID_DPOS,
updateGeneratorKeyParams = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": ["generatorKey"],
    "properties": {
        "generatorKey": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 1

An update generator key transaction trs must fulfill the following to be valid:

  • Let address be the 20-byte address derived from trs.senderPublicKey.
    Then the delegate substore must have an entry for the store key address.
  • trs.params.generatorKey must have length 32.

Executing an update generator key transaction trs is done by calling validators.updateGeneratorKey(address, trs.params.generatorKey) where
address is the 20-byte address derived from trs.senderPublicKey.


Transactions executing this command have:

  • moduleID = MODULE_ID_DPOS
  • commandID = COMMAND_ID_VOTE
voteTransactionParams = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": ["votes"],
    "properties": {
        "votes": {
            "type": "array",
            "fieldNumber": 1,
            "items": {
                "type": "object",
                "required": ["delegateAddress", "amount"],
                "properties": {
                    "delegateAddress" : {
                        "dataType": "bytes", 
                        "fieldNumber": 1
                    "amount": {
                        "dataType": "sint64",
                        "fieldNumber": 2

The verification and execution of this transaction is specified in LIP 0023.
This specification is followed to implement the vote command with the following additional point:

  • when executing a self-vote (a vote with the delegateAddress equal to the address derived from the transaction public key),
    modify the delegateStore(delegateAddress).selfVotes property and the voterStore(delegateAddress).sentVotes entry corresponding to delegateAddress identically.


Transactions executing this command have:

  • moduleID = MODULE_ID_DPOS

The params property of unlock transactions is empty.


Unlock transactions do not trigger specific verifications.


When executing an unlock transaction trs, the following is done:

senderAddress = address corresponding to trs.senderPublicKey
height = height of the block including trs

for each unlockObject in voterStore(senderAddress).pendingUnlocks:
    if (hasWaited(unlockObject, senderAddress, height) 
        and not isPunished(unlockObject, senderAddress, height)
        and isCertificateGenerated(unlockObject)):
        delete unlockObject from voterStore(senderAddress).pendingUnlocks
        token.unlock(senderAddress, MODULE_ID_DPOS, TOKEN_ID_DPOS, unlockObject.amount)

The definition and rationale for the isCertificateGenerated function is part of LIP “Introduce unlocking condition for incentivizing certificate generation”.
The hasWaited and isPunished functions are defined below and are rationalized in LIP 0023 and LIP 0024 respectively.

hasWaited(unlockObject, senderAddress, height):
    if unlockObject.delegateAddress == senderAddress:
        # this is a self-unvote
        delayedAvailability = 260,000
        delayedAvailability = 2000

    if height - unlockObject.unvoteHeight < delayedAvailability:
        return False
        return True
isPunished(unlockObject, senderAddress, height):
    if delegateStore(unlockObject.delegateAddress).pomHeights is empty:
        return false
        let lastPomHeight be the last element of delegateStore(unlockObject.delegateAddress).pomHeights 
        # lastPomHeight is also its largest element of the pomHeights array
        if unlockObject.address == senderAddress:
            # this is a self-unvote
            if height – lastPomHeight < 780,000 and lastPomHeight < unlockObject.unvoteHeight + 260,000:
                return True
            if height – lastPomHeight < 260,000 and lastPomHeight < unlockObject.unvoteHeight + 2000:
                return  True

   return False

Proof of Misbehavior

Transactions executing this command have:

  • moduleID = MODULE_ID_DPOS
  • commandID = COMMAND_ID_POM
pomParams = {
    "type": "object",
    "required": ["header1", "header2"],
    "properties": {
        "header1": {
            "dataType": "bytes", 
            "fieldNumber": 1
        "header2": {
            "dataType": "bytes", 
            "fieldNumber": 2

Both properties of the parameters must follow the block header schema as defined in LIP “New block header and block asset schema”.
Validity of this transaction is then specified in LIP 0024.


Execution of this transaction is specified in LIP 0024.

Internal Functions

Round Number and End of Rounds

All blocks (with the exception of the genesis block) are part of a round.
The first block after the genesis block is the first block of the first round, and so on.
The round length, i.e. the number of blocks in a round, is specified in a configuration file and is denoted ROUND_LENGTH.
In the block lifecycle, it will be useful to compute the round number to which a block belongs and if the block is the last block of its round.
For this, we will use the following functions:


This function returns the round number to which the input height belongs.

    return ceiling((h - genesisHeight) / ROUND_LENGTH)

This function returns a boolean indicating if the input height is at the end of a round or not.

    if (h - genesisHeight) % ROUND_LENGTH == 0:
        return True
        return False


The delegate weight is always a function of the votes, the potential misbehaviors and the block height.


The function has the following input parameters in the order given below:

  • address: A 20-byte addresses of a delegate.
  • height: The height for which the weight is computed.

This function returns the delegate weight.

delegateWeight(address, height):

    if there exist h in delegateStore(address).pomHeights with 0 < height - h < PUNISHMENT_WINDOW:
        return 0
        return min(delegateStore(address).selfVotes * FACTOR_SELF_VOTES,


A function to reorder the list of validators as specified in LIP 0003.


The function has the following input parameters in the order given below:

  • validatorsAddresses: An array of pairwise distinct 20-byte addresses.
  • randomSeed: A 32-byte value representing a random seed.

This function returns an array of bytes with the re-ordered list of addresses.

shuffleValidatorsList(validatorsAddresses, randomSeed):
    roundHash = {}
    for address in validatorsAddresses:
        roundHash[address] = hash(randomSeed || address)

    # Reorder the validator list
    shuffledValidatorAddresses = sort validatorsAddresses where address1 < adress2 if (roundHash(address1) < roundHash(address2))
                                 or ((roundHash(address1) == roundHash(address2)) and address1 < address2)         
    return shuffledValidatorAddresses

Block Processing

After Genesis Block Execution

After the genesis block b is executed, the following logic is executed:

create the entry in the genesis data substore with 
store value = {
    "height": b.header.height, 
    "initRounds": b.header.assets.initRounds, 
    "initDelegates": b.header.assets.initDelegates
} serialized using genesisDataStoreSchema

# set the inititial delegates in the BFT module
bftWeights = [
    {"address": address, "bftWeight": 1} 
    for address in initDelegates
    sorted by lexicographically by address

# compute the initial BFT threshold 
initBFTThreshold = floor(2/3 * length(initDelegates)) + 1

# set the inititial delegates in the validators module                 

After Block Execution

After a block newBlock is executed, the properties related to missed blocks are updated according to Delegate Productivity. This logic is recapitulated below:

newHeight = newBlock.header.height
# previousTimestamp is the value in the previous timestamp substore
missedBlocks = validators.getGeneratorsBetweenTimestamps(previousTimestamp, newBlock.header.timestamp)

# remove the start and end blocks, as those are not missed
missedBlocks[validators.getGeneratorAtTimestamp(previousTimestamp)] -= 1
missedBlocks[validators.getGeneratorAtTimestamp(newBlock.header.timestamp)] -= 1

for address in missedBlocks:
    delegateStore(address).consecutiveMissedBlocks += missedBlocks[address]

    # the rule below was introduced in LIP 0023
    if (delegateStore(address).consecutiveMissedBlocks > FAIL_SAFE_MISSED_BLOCKS
        and newHeight - delegateStore(address).lastGeneratedHeight > FAIL_SAFE_INACTIVE_WINDOW):
        delegateStore(address).isBanned = True

delegateStore(newBlock.header.generatorAddress).consecutiveMissedBlocks = 0
delegateStore(newBlock.header.generatorAddress).lastGeneratedHeight = newHeight

previousTimestamp = newBlock.header.timestamp

After an end-of-round block b is executed (isEndOfRound(b.height) == True), the following logic is executed (this must be done after the properties related to missed blocks are updated):

roundNumber = roundNumber(b.height)
currentWeights = {}
for address being a storeKey in delegate substore and isBanned(address) == False:
    currentWeights[address] = delegateWeight(address, b.height)} 

activeDelegates = array of the top 101 address by decreasing delegateWeight from currentWeights, ties broken by lexicographical ordering of the address

# if currentWeights contains less than 101 entries
# there will be less than 101 activeDelegates
remove all entries from currentWeights with address in activeDelegates

sort currentWeights by decreasing delegateWeight, ties broken by lexicographical order of the delegateAddress

weightSnapshot = []
for each address being a key of currentWeights (keys taken in order):
    if currentWeights[address] >= MIN_WEIGHT_STANDBY:
        weightSnapshot.append({"delegateAddress": address,
                               "delegateWeight": currentWeights[address]})
        # only triggered if there not enough addresses with weight MIN_WEIGHT_STANDBY as currentWeights is sorted
        if length(weightSnapshot) < 2:
            weightSnapshot.append({"delegateAddress": address,
                                   "delegateWeight": currentWeights[address]})

create an entry in the snapshot substore with 
    storeKey = uint32be(roundNumber),
    storeValue = {
        "activeDelegates": activeDelegates,
        "delegateWeightSnapshot": weightSnapshot
    } serialized using snapshotStoreSchema
delete any entries from the snapshot substore with storeKey <= uint32be(roundNumber-3)

# updates to Validators and BFT module are only done after the bootstrap period
if roundNumber > initRounds:
    validatorsTwoRoundsAgo = deserialized value of the snapshot substore entry with storeKey == uint32be(roundNumber-2)
    activeDelegates = validatorsTwoRoundsAgo.activeDelegates
    bftWeights = [
        {"address": address, "bftWeight": 1}
        for address in activeDelegates
        sorted by lexicographically by address
    # get the last stored BFT parameters, and update them if needed
    currentBFTParameters = BFT.getBFTParameters(b.height)
    if (currentBFTParameters.validators != bftWeights
        or currentBFTParameters.precommitThreshold != BFT_THRESHOLD
        or currentBFTParameters.certificateThreshold != BFT_THRESHOLD):

        randomSeed1 = random.getRandomBytes(b.height +1 - (ROUND_LENGTH*3)//2, 
        randomSeed2 = random.getRandomBytes(b.height +1 - 2*ROUND_LENGTH,
        delegate1, delegate2 = addresses of the standby delegates selected from validatorsTwoRoundsAgo.delegateWeightSnapshot 
                               as specified in LIP 0022, using the seeds randomSeed1 and randomSeed2
        # in the above, if validatorsTwoRoundsAgo.delegateWeightSnapshot is empty, then no standby delegates are selected
        validators = union of activeDelegates and {delegate1, delegate2}

        randomSeed1 = random.getRandomBytes(b.height +1 - (ROUND_LENGTH*3)//2,
        delegate1 = address of the standby delegates selected from validatorsTwoRoundsAgo.delegateWeightSnapshot 
                    as specified in LIP 0022, using the seed randomSeed1
        validators = union of activeDelegates and {delegate1}
    else: # no standby delegates
        randomSeed1 = random.getRandomBytes(b.height +1 - (ROUND_LENGTH*3)//2,
        validators = activeDelegates

    nextValidators = shuffleValidatorsList(validators, randomSeed1)

Protocol Logic for Other Modules

More functions might be made available during implementation.


Asserts the availability of a given name for delegate registration.

  • name: A string being asserted for availability.

A boolean asserting the availability of the given name for delegate registration.

    if (nameStore(name) exists
       or name includes symbols not in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@$&_."
       or length(name) > MAX_LENGTH_NAME
       or length(name) < 1):
        return False
        return True


Returns the stored information relative to the given address.

  • address: A 20-byte value identifying the voter.

This functions returns voterStore(address) deserialized using voterStoreSchema.


Returns the stored information relative to the given address.

  • address: A 20-byte value identifying the delegate.

This functions returns delegateStore(address) deserialized using delegateStoreSchema.

Endpoints for Off-Chain Services


Returns voter information for the given address.

  • address: A 20-byte value identifying the voter.

This function returns voterStore(address) deserialized using voterStoreSchema


Returns delegate information for the given address.

  • address: A 20-byte value identifying the delegate.

This functions returns delegateStore(address) deserialized using delegateStoreSchema.


Returns information of all delegates.


This function has no input parameter.


This function returns all delegateStore items deserialized using delegateStoreSchema.

Backwards Compatibility

This LIP defines a new store interface for the DPoS module, which in turn will become part of the state tree and will be authenticated by the state root.
As such, it will induce a hardfork.

Reference Implementation


I just created the pull request for this proposal on GitHub: Add LIP "Define state and state transitions of DPoS module" by MaximeGagnebin · Pull Request #112 · LiskHQ/lips · GitHub